Three Period Lesson Montessori Method Blog Grumble Services Blog elementary Montessori materials and learning resources

Three Period Lesson

Montessori’s Three Period Lesson is an example of the learning strategy called scaffolding. Scaffolding refers to a variety of instructional techniques used to move students progressively toward stronger understanding. Ultimately, the child is guided to independence in the learning process.

The Three Period Lesson grants a slower, easier absorption process. This strategy isolates concepts and allows for reinforcement of each step as needed. Scaffolding is in our wheelhouse. It’s embedded in every Montessori material and in every lesson.

Just 20 minutes of reading Montessori Method Blog Grumble Services Blog elementary Montessori materials and learning resources

Just 20 Minutes

Today’s world has sped up dramatically. It sometimes seems as if time is even moving faster. Consequently, it is difficult for many of us to slow down, pause and reflect on our days. As a result, some very important daily habits – such as reading – are getting overlooked.

Focused, challenging reading is so important for everyone (big and small) to do each and every day. Current research supports reading from a printed book format can help even more. A printed book seems to offer higher levels of comprehension and retention than reading from a computerized screen.

Grace and Courtesy Montessori Method Blog Grumble Services Blog elementary Montessori materials and learning resources

Grace & Courtesy

Grace & Courtesy: Teachers are picking up their virtual classroom pieces, gluing them back together and are now attempting to rebuild their classroom communities.

I’m not going to lie to you, this is truly a tall order. Virtual school was not ideal for many reasons. But it did offer one very important component which is missing from a school year littered with COVID obstacles and learning loss hurdles: Consistency.

Montessori classrooms that began the year relying on grace and courtesy lessons seem to be bouncing back most quickly. Here’s why.

Montessori Second Plane of Development Blog Grumble Services Blog elementary Montessori materials and learning resources


Second Plane: Montessori philosophy can feel quite alien. One of those aspects is the terminology. However, understanding just a handful of these terms can shed much light on her pedagogy.

According to Dr. Maria Montessori, the “Second Plane of development” refers to the years of a child’s life between six and twelve years old. The “Second Plane” elementary child, she explained, is motivated to learn through a broad view of the universe and all of its great forces.