for a great Second year!
Thank you all for a great second year of blogging. As you can imagine, it’s difficult to share your writing – your creative work – on the internet for the world to critique on a weekly basis. Some critiques are difficult to hear. Other times, no one might respond at all. In a way, receiving no input can be even more challenging than receiving it.
Despite this, most of the feedback I’ve received has been overwhelmingly positive. For this reason, I continue to share my experiences as a Montessori Guide with you. A brilliant teacher at our dual language Montessori school recently said, “Montessori changes lives. I know this because it changed mine.” I’ve reflected on her words and I believe she’s right. It can change adult lives just as much as it can change the lives of children.
Below, I have shared some of my favorite posts from the last year about Montessori learning. Thank you for a great second year. It is hard to believe two years have already come and gone for Grumble!
Stefanie Klopp, MEd
Grumble Services, LLC

#1. Public Montessori (Part I)
I’m not even sure where to begin on this topic. Over my years as a Montessori educator, I feel ‘whether you can practice the Montessori Method with fidelity in the public sector’ continues to be a hotly debated topic.
Public Montessori is all I’ve ever known. This is because I grew up around the city of Milwaukee. Milwaukee Public Schools has one of the oldest and largest public Montessori program in the country. Our program began in 1977, now making it 45 years old.
#2. Non-Negotiables (Part II)
This blog picks up where the Public Montessori blog from the prior week left off. In it, I identify what I believe to be the three biggest challenges a public Montessori program will face.
Although I am still new to my school and my role, I quickly saw some of the obstacles our new program was facing. In my experience, here are the three biggest challenges a public Montessori program will need to overcome.
#3. Strategies for outstanding Parent-Teacher Communication
Through regular communication with parents, teachers can share information about a student’s hard work and their contributions to their classroom community.
Parent involvement is one of the most important influences on student learning. This makes parent-teacher communication the key to promoting parent involvement and support. This begs the questions, of course, what is too much communication and what is too little?
#4. Walking With Nature
New research shows walking and talking enhances our mental creativity. Although modern science is only beginning to catch on, this secret was known long ago.
Many well-known philosophers are famous for walking while working outdoors. Plato’s school was outside, in a grove of trees called Akadēmía. Socrates was known to stroll and philosophize. Aristotle taught his classes while he walked up and down the walkways of the Lyceum.
#5. “There Must Be A Full Moon”
During my first-year teaching at a new school, I remember one particular dismissal. Classes were slowly making their way through the after school bus line. The line was at a standstill, so I struck up a quick conversation with the teacher behind me. I quickly mentioned to her what a crazy day I had. She responded, “Yes, that’s because there is a full moon tonight.”
It was the first time I remember hearing anyone say this. I found her idea interesting.
Thanks again! Do you have a suggestion for another blog topic connected to the Montessori Method? Please send me an email with your ideas or experiences at
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Read More: Why Walking with Nature is so good for you!
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