Reading Daily is such an important part of each and every day!
Reading Just 20 Minutes a day can make a huge Impact! Focused, challenging reading is so important for everyone (big and small) to do each and every day. Current research supports reading from a printed book format helps even further. The printed format seems to offer higher levels of comprehension and retention than reading text from a computerized screen:
Do We Read Differently On Paper Than On A Screen? by Maria Gilje
“When reading long, linear, continuous texts over multiple pages that require a certain amount of concentration, referred to as “Deep Reading,” the reader often experiences better concentration and a greater overview when reading from a printed medium compared to a screen.
In the 2017 article, Do we read differently on paper than on a screen?
Maria Gilje Torheim wrote:
“An interesting finding in some of the empirical studies is that we tend to overestimate our own reading comprehension when we read on screen compared to on paper. Some studies have shown that we believe we have understood the text better, when we read from a screen. However, it has been found that we tend to read faster on screen and consequently understand less compared to when reading from paper.”

Please, spend a few minutes each night with your child.
Discuss what you have both read during that day. You may even want to spend some time reading together each evening with your child. They are never too old! Modeling the behaviors we want to see in our children leads them to creating the best habits. Just 20 minutes a day makes all the difference.
It has been shown that consistent and daily reading and comprehension exercises, especially when assisted by an adult, have a significant impact on individual academic progress. Researchers now believe the single biggest predictor of high academic achievement and high ACT scores is reading to children:
“The single biggest predictor of high academic achievement and high ACT scores is reading to children. Not flash cards, not workbooks, not fancy preschools, not blinking toys or computers, but mom or dad taking the time every day or night to sit and read them wonderful books.”
What Should A 4-Year-Old Know? Alicia Bayer wrote:
There are recent, strong findings supporting this assertion. For instance, starting around kindergarten age, it is estimated that if a student reads a minimum of 20 minutes a day at home, they will hear 1.8 million words per year. By 6th grade, this means they will have read for 851 hours and on standardized tests they will likely score better than 90% of their peers.
This is compelling data on the benefits of encouraging your child to read a mere 20 minutes (only 1,200 seconds) a day!
Do you have more suggestions for encouraging children to read more? Do you have a suggestion for another blog topic? Please send me an email with your ideas and experiences at
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Read More: How do we help Older, struggling readers?
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References and Read More:
Reading Help – Just 20 Minutes a Day! – Learning Guide
How Reading 20 Minutes A Day Impacts Your Child By Scripps Media, Inc. 2017