Just 20 minutes of reading Montessori Method Blog Grumble Services Blog elementary Montessori materials and learning resources

Just 20 Minutes

Today’s world has sped up dramatically. It sometimes seems as if time is even moving faster. Consequently, it is difficult for many of us to slow down, pause and reflect on our days. As a result, some very important daily habits – such as reading – are getting overlooked.

Focused, challenging reading is so important for everyone (big and small) to do each and every day. Current research supports reading from a printed book format can help even more. A printed book seems to offer higher levels of comprehension and retention than reading from a computerized screen.

Just 20 minutes of reading Comprehensive Reading Strategies Montessori Method Blog Grumble Services Blog elementary Montessori materials and learning resources

Comprehension Thinking Strategies

Written language is a code and children need to be taught how to decode it. Early reading skills include phonics, word recognition, vocabulary, decoding and fluency. But as young readers advance, the development of comprehension skills work differently. Skilled reading is an active process; the reader’s mind is constantly processing information extracted from the text.

There are multiple comprehension thinking strategies available to a struggling reader. Often, many or all of these strategies are working together to assist in comprehension. Here is a breakdown of the seven to which have been found most effective..

Montessori Blog - Skilled Reading Part 1: How do we help older students become better readers? Grumble Services Learning Resources blog

Skilled Reading Part 1

Skilled Reading: How do we help struggling readers? As readers advance, the development of comprehension skills work differently. Research shows older readers possess specific strategies to construct meaning before, during, and after reading a text. I now know this type of reading to be called “skilled reading.”

The key to skilled reading is being capable of recognizing words without relying on context at all. This is one of the most well replicated findings in all current reading research.